Your Guide to An Effective Open Guard System!
I’ve been in the lab working with Jon Thomas, one of the most analytical black belt competitors I’ve ever run into, on a complete method for mastering the open guard in BJJ.
So I’d like to introduce you to “The Open Guard System”!
The whole idea in this instructional is to give you a connected set of plug-and-play systems for the open guard so that you’ll always know how to stay safe, advance your position, and then sweep or submit your opponent.
Systems are much more powerful than individual techniques because they link techniques together so that you always have a response that works no matter what your opponent tries to do.
You’ll learn an approach that simplifies and streamlines your decision making process, allowing you to react faster and more appropriately to the complexities of BJJ.
Here’s what you’ll get – it’s like 5 instructionals in one…
- Volume 1: The Double Sleeve System
- Volume 2: The Collar Sleeve System
- Volume 3: The de la Riva Guard System
- Volume 4: Gripfighting Dominance
- Volume 5: Guard Retention
The Promise: If you ever train with the gi you’ll come away with a TON of details, strategies, tweaks and techniques that’ll immediately improve your game. If I had had this instructional in my first decade of training BJJ it would have saved me so much grief and made me unstoppable from the guard.
The Discount: To celebrate the launch of this instructional I’m offering it at more than 50% off. This discount won’t last, so please take advantage of it now.
The Guarantee: If you don’t find it useful or dislike the material for any reason whatsoever – then you’re covered by my unconditional 365 day moneyback guarantee. This takes the risk is taken off of you and put back onto me, which is how it should be.
The Bonus: Jon Thomas is a very cerebral and analytical black belt, and so it pairs very well with another classic Grapplearts instructional. If you grab The Open Guard Formula today then I’ll also give you instant online access to The BJJ Formula with Rob Biernacki as a free bonus, which is a $97 value.
Grab the Open Guard System Here

Instantly access the entire Open Guard System online on your computer, smartphone or tablet.
ON SALE $97 (Regular $147)

Get the entire Open Guard System on 5 physical DVDs, shipped to you for free anywhere in the world.
ON SALE $127 (Regular $177)

Best value: get instant access online AND the physical DVDs with free shipping anywhere in the world.
ON SALE $127 (Regular $324)
What Exactly Are You Getting in The Open Guard System?
Volume 1, The Double Sleeve System
In this volume you’ll learn how to get to and attack from the powerful double sleeve grip.
The double sleeve grip is probably the most versatile of the open guard positions. It works against standing, squatting and kneeling opponents, and you can get to it anytime your opponent leads with his hands.
Learn the details of double sleeve and you’ll always have a great starting point and super-strong foundation to build your open guard game.
- Reverse Engineering the Open Guard
- Systems vs Techniques
- Benefits of Double Sleeve
- The Leg Past Body Position: Introduction and Context
- The Leg Past Body Position: Evaluating the Elbow-Knee Space
- The Leg Past Body Position: Backwards Twisting Sweep
- The Leg Past Body Position: Overhead Sweep (Sombrero)
- The Leg Past Body Position: Toes in Stomach Overhead Sweep
- The Leg Past Body Position: Transition to Sit Up Guard
- The Leg Past Body Position: Fast Hip Up Triangle
- The Leg Past Body Position: Foot on Biceps Step Up Triangle
- The Leg Past Body Position: When Your Opponent Switches His Lead
- Spider Guard: Intro and Maintaining the Spider Hook
- Spider Guard: Countering Lasso Loop Out
- Spider Guard: Benefits of Shallow Lasso vs Deep Lasso
- Spider Guard: Stopping the Stack Pass
- Spider Guard: Dealing with the Deadlift
- Spider Guard: Getting Underneath Your Opponent
- Basic Attack Series from Spider X Position
- Spider Reverse DLR Invert Sweep
- Countering the Step Over When Working Underneath
- Opponent with One Knee Up: Shin on Shin Triangle
- Opponent with One Knee Up: Shin on Shin to Spider X or Ankle Lock
- Kneeling Opponent: Triangle and Omoplata Attacks
- Kneeling Opponent: Wheel Sweep & Triangle Combination
- Kneeling Opponent: Deep Lasso to Omoplata
- Double Sleeve Situational Sparring
Volume 2, The Collar Sleeve System
In volume 2 we go deep into collar sleeve series, which is another very powerful way to attack from the open guard.
You’ll learn exactly how to use the collar sleeve as a hub position to launch attack after attack. You’ll have an effective answer for everything your opponent your opponent throws at you.
You may have seen individual techniques from this position before but never connected together with such a comprehensive, step-by-step strategy to guide you.
- Intro to the Collar Sleeve Position
- Basics of Controlling Collar Sleeve
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Basic Strategies and Considerations
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: the Omoplata and Triangle
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: High and Low Lapel Grips
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: How to Free a Trapped Leg
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: de la Riva Backwards Twisting Sweep
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Forward Bump Attacks & Submissions
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Triangles & Omoplatas vs Straight Lead Leg
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Toes in Stomach Overhead Sweep
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Hip Push to Backwards Twist Sweep
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Leg Kick Out vs Hand Pop of Hook
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Far Hip Push vs Turned Out Knee
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Near Hip Push vs Turned Out Knee
- Near Side Collar Sleeve: Foot on Hip to Triangle
- Far Side Collar Sleeve: the Wheel Sweep
- Far Side Collar Sleeve: The Near vs Far Side of Collar Sleeve
- Far Side Collar Sleeve: Key Master Hook & Backwards Sweep
- Far Side Collar Sleeve: Key Master to Forward Bump Triangle
- Far Side Collar Sleeve: Switching Back to Near Side Collar Sleeve
- Kneeling Opponent: Triangles & Loop Chokes
- Opponent with One Knee Up: Wheel Sweep Towards Upright Knee
- Opponent with One Knee Up: Wheel Sweep Towards Down Knee
- Collar Sleeve Transitions
- Managing the Finger Joints
- Both Feet on the Hips
- Collar Sleeve Situationals Sparring
Volume 3, The de la Riva System
Knowing how to build an effective game from a single ankle control grip (or the ‘de la Riva’ grip) is super important, especially if your opponent is trying to pass your guard standing up.
If you can’t effectively control your opponent then you’ll forever be stuck in defense. That’s why in volume 3 you’ll get all the specific skills you need to start with a single grip on his ankle ankle control and systematically progress towards some of the most powerful attacks in jiu-jitsu.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn in volume 3…
- Intro to de la Riva Guard and Ankle Control
- De la Riva Control Overview
- Knee Pressure and de la Riva Hook
- Establishing and Controlling the Far Sleeve Grip
- Sit Up Guard: Classic Sweep
- Sit Up Guard: Single Leg Takedown
- Sit Up Guard: Bump vs a Pressuring Opponent
- Sit Up Guard: Bump When Opponent Pushes Leg Down
- Sit Up Guard: Countering the Backstep
- Lo Guard: Entry & Backwards Sweep
- Lo Guard: Mermaid Sweep When Opponent Pinches Knees
- Leg Past Body: Forward Off Balance to Ankle Pick Sweep
- Leg Past Body: Switch to Sit Up Guard vs Lapel Grip
- De la Riva X: Entry & the Backwards Sweep
- De la Riva X: Forward Sweep and Single Leg
- Problem Solving: Freeing Your Leg When it Gets Trapped
- Problem Solving: Collar Grip Bolo When You Can’t Get Sleeve
- Problem Solving: Single Leg Berimbolo Alternative
- Problem Solving: Collar Grip Bump When He Steps Over Leg
- Problem Solving: Low Lapel Grip When He Blocks Grips
- Problem Solving: Fast Ankle Sweep When He Blocks Grips
- Transitions Between the Main Grips & Systems
- Ankle Gripe Control Situational Sparring
Volume 4, Gripfighting
Gripfighting is the key to setting up your own game while at the same time frustrating the hell out of your opponent
You’ll learn different effective strategies for winning the initial grip battle when you and your opponent first square off, as well as procedures for shutting down your opponent’s attempts to control your legs and pass your guard when you’ve got him in the open guard.
Dominate the grip and you’ll dominate the match!
- Intro to Grip Fighting Concepts
- Distance Management and Setting Up the Lasso
- Setting Up Far Side Collar Sleeve
- Setting Up Sleeve Control from a Collar Grip
- Collar Control to Collar Drag
- Collar Control to Ankle Pick
- Collar Control to the de la Riva
- Basic Grip Fighting Off Back and Establishing de la Riva guard
- Getting Back to Sitting from Being on Back
- Fast Grip Break to Lasso
- Setting Up Spider Off of Opponent Controlling Both Legs
- Establishing Lasso from Knee Cut Defense
- Establishing Far Side Collar Sleeve from Knee Cut Defense
- Gripfighting Situational Sparring
Volume 5, Guard Retention
Guard retention is the art and science of shutting down your opponent’s guard pass attempts so that you can keep him safely in the guard and not get crushed under his full weight in a pin.
A lot of practitioners use instinctive guard retention by trying to wildly flail their legs back into position. This is both exhausting and inefficient; there are much better, technically grounded ways to shut down the guard pass!
In volume 5 Jon Thomas shares the exact techniques and concepts that have made his open guard so difficult to pass.
- Intro to Guard Retention Concepts
- Concept: Elbow-Knee Space
- Concept: Centered Hips and Using Outside Leg to Recenter
- Concept: Hip Angle
- Concept: The Outside Elbow Frame
- Concept: The Inside Arm Frame
- Concept: Crunching for Easier Rotation
- Basic Toreando Defense
- Defending the One Arm Throw
- Defending the Lapel Grip Knee Cut Pass
- Defending the Leg Control Knee Cut Pass
- Defending the Knee Cut Pass with the Knee Shield
- Basic Double Under Defense
- Double Under with Cross Lapel Grip Defense
- Defending the Fast Double Under Pass
- Defending the Bear Hug on Legs
- Advice for Building Your Open Guard
- Guard Retention Situational Sparring
Limited Time Bonus Offer (A $97 Value)
If you move on the Open Guard System today I’ll also give you an amazing bonus completely for free: The BJJ Formula with Rob Biernacki and myself. And it dovetails perfectly with the material you’ll get from Jon Thomas!
This four volume, eight hour masterclass on the underlying concepts and principle of BJJ will allow you to become an effective grappler much faster.
By focussing on the ‘glue’ that holds everything together you’ll get the keys to the BJJ kingdom. If you learn the concepts that govern the top game, bottom game and back game then you’ll start getting better faster, retaining techniques easier, moving more efficiently, and start beating bigger and more experienced people.
This bonus won’t last forever, so please move quick if you want to get this additional training for free.
100% Money Back Guarantee.
I’m so confident that this instructional will that I will back it up with a 100%, no wiggle-room, zero hassle money back guarantee.
My return policy on this is really simple: if you don’t like the material, if you don’t find the format useful – anything – then you have 365 days to let me know and I’ll give you a complete refund.
This is not about ‘tricking’ you into buying something that isn’t useful and isn’t what you needed.
It’s about being able to check this product out with confidence that it’s going to work for you, or all your money back.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What formats is The Open Guard System available in?
A: You can get it as a 5 DVD set and as an instantly available streaming format on As part of the initial launch we’re offering an option of getting both the DVDs and the online version for the price of just the DVDs.
Q: Is this an app, or will a series of apps with this material become available in the future.
Firstly, the on-demand streaming version plays very well on smartphones and tablets anywhere that you have data or a wifi connection.
But if you prefer the information in app form then go and grab The Grapplearts BJJ Master App for Android and iOS for free right now. I should be adding The Open Guard System to that app in a few days time.
Q: What makes this instructional different?
A: Many instructionals simply show a whole bunch of independent techniques. If you learn them this way then you’ll be a ‘one and done’ kind of grappler: you’ll try your move; if it works, great, but if it doesn’t you’re suddenly on the defensive.
By having a mental flowchart – if my opponent does this then I do that, if he does this other thing then I respond by doing this’ it simplifies and streamlines your decision making process. You’ll react faster and with more confidence, which will allow you to dominate your opponent more easily.
Q: Is this a gi or a no gi instructional?
A: Given that collar and sleeve grips are so prevalent in The Open Guard System it’s fair to say that this is a gi-based instructional. That being said, if you train these techniques with the gi then you’ll hugely improve your leg dexterity and your strategic thinking for when the gi comes off.
Grab the Open Guard System Here

Instantly access the entire Open Guard System online on your computer, smartphone or tablet.
ON SALE $97 (Regular $147)

Get the entire Open Guard System on 5 physical DVDs, shipped to you for free anywhere in the world.
ON SALE $127 (Regular $177)

Best value: get instant access online AND the physical DVDs with free shipping anywhere in the world.
ON SALE $127 (Regular $324)
If you prefer you can now get entire Open Guard System instructional in app form at roughly the same price as the discounted streaming online version!
All 5 modules of this instructional can be found within the Grapplearts BJJ Master App, which is free to download for both Apple and Android phones or tablets.
Click here for more information about the Grapplearts BJJ Master App, or click here to download it for free for your iPhone/iPad, or click here to download it for free for your Android device.
The Bottom line: If you study this instructional you’ll come away with techniques and combinations, but more importantly you’ll have a much better sense of the big picture and how to connect your techniques and systems together in the open guard.
Grab this if you want to to sweep, submit and dominate your opponents more easily.
Take care,