“Everything you ever wanted to know about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competition but were afraid to ask!”
That’s a strong statement, but it’s almost even true. In my latest podcast I talk extensively with David Meyer, author of Training for Competition: Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Submission Grappling.
We cover a TON of ground in this interview, ranging from why you might want to compete at all, to physical conditioning for competition, to specific strategies you can use against certain types of opponents.
Click Play Below to Listen to My Conversation with David Meyer…
This is one of the best interviews I’ve ever done. There is so much good information here that it’ll be very useful for anyone who trains in BJJ or another grappling art, even if they don’t compete.
If you want to download future episodes of my podcasts and interviews automatically then click here to sign up for Grapplearts Radio in iTunes – it’s completely free and totally simple.
To listen to this conversation you could press play on the embedded audio player below, but then you might miss out on future episodes, wouldn’t you?
So the best thing to do is to subscribe to The Strenuous Life Podcast using the podcast player that you almost certainly already have on your phone!
(For example, if you have an iPhone then it’s the purple app with the antenna-like thing in it. Just click the Apple Podcasts link below and it should open up that app for you.)
Here are the links to find the podcast on various players (This one is episode 02)…
- Apple Podcasts (the purple app on your iPhone)
- Google Podcasts (the new google podcast app)
- Spotify (it’s free)
- Stitcher,
- Soundcloud,
- Google Play