The Hidden Details, Techniques and Strategies of the Spider Guard
Understanding Spider Guard covers the critical fundamentals, the hidden principles, and most effective strategies for a modern BJJ guard domination.
It is a volume of the Spider Guard Masterclass module within the Grapplearts BJJ Master App.
You can check out (and preview) every volume in this series on the FREE Grapplearts BJJ Master App for your Apple or Android phone.
Click on the appropriate button below to download the Grapplearts Master App for free…
- Click Here for the BJJ Master App for iPhone and iPad in the iTunes Store
- Click Here for the BJJ Master App for Android Devices in the Google Play store
In this first volume in the spider guard series we’ll show you exactly how world class BJJ competitors create pressure from the bottom. Crazy flexibility and athleticism are NOT required.
With these easy-to-use techniques and strategies you’ll keep your opponents off-balance and set up your own sweeps and submissions. This is a critical aspect of an aggressive guard, because if your opponent is off-balance and on the defensive all the time then he can’t really launch his own guard pass attempts.
You’ll learn detailed gripping strategies to control your opponent, lock him down, and make it even more difficult for him to pass your guard or escape your attacks.
You’ll get the core drills that will make the spider guard an effective position, allowing you to respond quickly and instinctively to your opponent.
Finally you’ll ALSO get amazing gameplans for the two most effective Spider Guard submissions, the Omoplata and the Triangle Choke.
These two attacks show up again and again when world class competitors use the Spider Guard, and they’re two of the highest percentage submission techniques out there.
But you’ll get much, much more than a simple breakdown for the Omoplata and Triangle.
You’ll get the adjustments and details that make them work against much bigger opponents. You’ll also learn the combinations, counters and follow-ups to effortlessly flow around your opponent’s defences and submit him no matter how he tries to defend.
Much more than just a random collection of techniques, this is a competition-proven system for building an aggressive, attack-oriented guard.
The bottom line is that this app goes into detail about the exact grips, techniques and drills you need to create pressure and control your opponent. It will give you a rock solid foundation for every one of the Spider Guard variations we’ll be covering in the other apps in this series
Click here to see all 5 apps in the Spider Guard Masterclass Series
About The Spider Guard
The Spider Guard is one of the most important positions of modern BJJ. If used correctly it’s incredibly difficult for someone to pass your guard, and you can use it to launch a huge assortment of powerful sweeps and attacks to keep your opponents on the run.
The Spider Guard is the favourite tool of many BJJ champions and top competitors including Cobrinha, Keenan Cornelius, Tinguinha, Draculino, Romulo Barral, Marcelino Freitas, Michael Langhi and Leandro Lo.
But now, for the first time, in the Grapplearts Spider Guard Masterclass series of apps you can have an exact blueprint for this essential BJJ position.
About Your Teachers
Your instructors are BJJ black belts Elliott Bayev and Stephan Kesting, known for their friendly and informative teaching styles. Together they have spent over 50 years in the martial arts, and 40 years of experience teaching.
Their approach to the Spider Guard will make it easy for you to learn and absorb the material, and then unleash it on your training partners and opponents in competition.
For iPhone and iPad CLICK HERE
For Android Phones and Tablets CLICK HERE
- The exact techniques and strategies used by world champions to dominate their matches using the Spider Guard.
- 2 hours and 18 minutes of solid, filler-free, video instruction in just this one volume!
- All the footage has been professionally filmed and edited for maximum ease of learning
- The app includes complete menus for easy navigation
- The app allows downloads to your phone or tablet so that an internet connection is NOT required to view the videos
- The same app plays on both your phone and your tablet, so you don’t need to buy different versions for each type of device
Here are just a few excerpts from this instructional app – we hope that they’ll be both informative and useful.
Please keep in mind that all the concepts, drills and techniques in this app have been chosen and arranged so that they build on each other, making combined material in this app much more powerful than the sum of its parts.
5 Fundamental Drills Necessary for Mastering the Spider Guard
Secrets of Tightening Your Triangle Choke (from the Triangle Choke Mastery section of this app)
This video is about the Key to Dominating from Spider Guard (from the section on creating pressure in the Spider Guard)
A Powerful Omoplata Finish (from the Omoplata Mastery section of the app)
- Introduction
- What is Spider Guard?
- Pressure
- Grips & Hooks
- Breaking Grips
- Attacking Base
- Basic Movements
- Introduction to the Triangle Submission Chain
- Fundamental Triangle Finish
- Big Boy Triangle
- Triangle Armbar
- Wristlock
- Inverse Armbars
- Kimuras
- Armbar vs Posture
- Knock-backs vs Posture
- Punch Choke vs Hidden Arm
- Teepee vs Hidden Arm
- Triangle to Omoplata vs Hidden Arm [Formerly
- Triangle Submission Chain: Troubleshooting the Triangle
- Introduction to the Omoplata Submission Chain
- Fundamental Omoplata Finish
- Fundamental Finish Follow-ups
- The Rack
- Situp vs. Roll
- Re-roll To Reverse Crucifix vs Roll
- Re-roll to Reverse Crucifix Knee Trap
- See Saw vs. Stepover
- Spinning Omoplata vs. Stepover
- Knee-In Slingshot Sweep vs. Partial Stepover
- Triangle vs. Posture
- Swing vs. Posture
- Rollback vs. Posture
- Rollback Kneebar vs Posture
- Roll Away vs. Knee On Stomach
- Williams ReRoll vs. Rollunder
How to Get ‘Understanding Spider Guard’ On Your Phone
I’ve worked with my programmer to make it as easy as possible to get these submission, sweeping and escape techniques onto your phone. This way you’ll always have your jiu-jitsu instruction close at hand and ready to access!
All the techniques in ‘Understanding Spider Guard’ are in the Grapplearts BJJ Master App.
That Grapplearts BJJ Master App is FREE to download for your Apple and/or Android phone (and comes with more than 457 minutes of free black belt video instruction right out of the box).
This is the app you’re looking for: my smiling mug surrounded by icons and a red border.
Click on the Appropriate Button Below to Download the Grapplearts BJJ Master App for Free