Hey guys, I’m super-concerned about the coronavirus AND the effect of the coronavirus on the art of BJJ.
There’s just no better way to transmit this friggin virus that rolling around on the ground with other people, so we have to stop training and quarantine for a while.
So to help you get through these tough times here’s the deal.
If you’ve stopped training or teaching because of COVID 19 then you can get any one free streaming instructional from me for free, no catch.
You can see the eligible instructionals here.
Just email [email protected] or use our contact form and tell us the name of the instructional you want
Note: Initially we were offering these instructionals in app form too but that’s not going to work. That’s because we’re getting SLAMMED with requests and both the Apple and Google App Store limit how many free instructionals we can give away.
But you can definitely watch the online streaming instructionals on your phone, so that’s kind of like an app.
I want you to send in your request, but at the same time please recognise that we’re getting slammed with thousands of emails about this. So you might have to bear with us for a day or two or three while we get your request processed.
Thank you for not training and for helping flatten the curve.