Next Live Broadcast: Tuesday June 27th, 7 PM Pacific and 10 pm Eastern
Sign up below to get a reminder right before the Grapplearts Facebook Live broadcast begins
What is Facebook Live? Facebook live is when you get live streaming video on Facebook. It usually shows up on your feed if you’re on at just the right time, but it also shows up on the page that’s broadcasting the video. In this case it’ll be on the Grapplearts Facebook page.
What is Instagram Live? It’s very similar: if you’re following me on instagram (where I’m @stephan_kesting) and I go live then you’ll see me pop up at the top of your feed with the word “Live.” Click on that and you can ask questions, join the conversation, hang out, etc. .
Where can I see this? It’ll be broadcast live on the Grapplearts Facebook page (go there now and click ‘Like’ so that the broadcast will show up on your Facebook stream) and simultaneously on Instagram Live too.
How can I get reminder when it starts (and future broadcasts too): Life gets busy and we can all can all use reminders. Here’s how to get a reminder about 30 minutes before we go live…
- Enter your best email address in the box below and hit the ‘submit’ button
- If that’s successful then you should be taken to the Grapplearts Facebook page; click ‘Like’ on that page
- 30 minutes before the next broadcast I’ll shoot you an email notification that we’re about to go live
- Go back to the Grapplearts page (or click on the link in the email) and look for the live broadcast at the top of the feed on that page.
I hope to see you there; this should be fun and I’m really looking forward to it!
Stephan Kesting