Daniel Strauss (aka The Raspberry Ape) is a BJJ black belt under 10x World Champion Roger Gracie. But he’s also a very serious advocate of strongman training including the development of crazy levels of grip strength.
In today’s podcast we start with Daniel’s victory over Olympic gold medalist Satoshi Ishii at Polaris 8 and his BJJ competition strategy.
After talking gi vs no gi, competition strategy and more we switch gears.
A big part of this podcast is a deep dive into strength training for grappling and for strongman competition. There’s a TON of information about grip strengthening in this section as well…
I think you’ll really like this one!
Listen to the Conversation with The Raspberry Ape Here…
If you want to listen to it then grab episode 191 with Daniel ‘Raspberry Ape’ Strauss on the podcast player that you already have on your phone!
For example, if you have an iPhone then it’s the purple app with the antenna-like thing in it; just click the Apple Podcasts link below to go to the right place and hit ‘subscribe’.
Here are the links to find the podcast on various players – today’s episode is number 191…
- Apple Podcasts (the purple app on your iPhone)
- Google Podcasts (the new google podcast app)
- Spotify (it’s free)
- Stitcher,
- Soundcloud,
- Google Play
Or you can just stream the audio here:
P.S. Also make sure to check out Daniel’s ‘Raspberry Ape Podcast‘ on iTunes and wherever fine podcasts are distributed.