Every club has one of those long limbed, super flexible gumby guard players who can put both of his own legs behind his own head without using his hands.
Passing the guard of these kind of guys sucks. You fight, fight, fight to get past the legs and then, just as you’re about to solidify your pin, a leg pops out of nowhere and – BAMM – you’re back in the guard where you started. Nothing has changed except now you’re just more tired and frustrated.
It’s the jiu-jitsu version of the Michael Corleone’s lament in Godfather 3, “Just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in!”
So, what can you do? How do you pass the guard of these super-flexible guard players?
As with most problems in jiu-jitsu there are multiple solutions.
In the video below my friend Ritchie Yip (from Infighting MMA) and I show you three different passes that work great vs gumby guards.
Briefly the 3 passes we break down for you in the video are…
- The over-under pass focusing on pinning the hips to the ground (from 0:20 to 2:00)
- A modified version of the knee cut pass, driving much higher up on the chest than one often does with this pass (from 2:00 to 5:56)
- The crossing the leg pass vs inverted style guards (from 5:58 to 8:08)
Then, after the third guard pass, we then spend a couple of minutes riffing about who should learn to invert and when you should do it.
I think you’ll find these techniques useful, so check out the video below.
P.S. In the video I make reference to the over-under guard pass playlist I’m putting together. Well that’s live now – click here to go to Over Under Guard Pass Playlist on Youtube.
Related Articles, Videos and Techniques
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