One of the secrets of BJJ is to get good before you get too banged up with injuries to be good.
To help you avoid crippling injury I shot a 15 minute video talking about some of the most important lessons I’ve learned dealing with injuries.
Some of these injuries could have stopped my BJJ career dead in its tracks, or left me in constant pain for the rest of my life, or necessitated some surgeon removing what seems like pretty important parts from my body.
Needless to say, I’m pretty happy that I avoided those horrendous outcomes. This video talks about the processes I used to minimise time under the knife and get back to a reasonably pain-free existence.
It covers 3 big lessons I learned from 3 big injuries…
While we’re on the cheery topic of getting banged up, let me share some of the other articles on my site about BJJ injuries, how to prevent them, and how to heal up from them…
- How to avoid BJJ injuries and other dumb ways to die
- 18 things I tried to fix my bad lower back
- The 6 things that ended up making a difference and fixing my back
- The torn ACL FAQ
- How to train BJJ with an injured arm
- Foot injuries in Grappling
- How to train BJJ with an injured neck
- Shoulder injury rehab for grapplers
- Assessing risk vs reward in BJJ