In the extensive Grapplearts video vaults I recently discovered rare archival footage of an incredibly deadly martial art that I had somehow missed…
This savage system of self defense is called ‘German Jiu-Jitsu’ and as the GermanJiujitsu.com website so clearly and succinctly states, it is clearly clearly much better than all other kinds of jiu-jitsu.
Watch the video below and tell me if you’ve ever seen a more chilling demonstration of extreme combat effectiveness.
Before this video surfaced I had never heard of German Jiu-Jitsu (apparently referred to as ‘GJJ’ in some circles). But the evidence of its superiority was so compelling, and the need to upgrade my lederhosen chokes so pressing, that I went and did some further research…
It turns out that the main teacher of this incredibly deadly, systematic and punctual system is Herr Professor Doctor Manfred von Obermeister who apparently runs the Edelweiss Mountain Jiu-Jitsu Combat and Cultural Sensitivity Training Center high in the mountains surrounding Hamburg, Germany.
This art has been passed down from teutonic warrior to teutonic warrior completely unchanged and unmodified for 1,200 years!
Here is what Herr Professor Doctor has to say about GJJ:
Now, if you will excuse me, I’m busy throwing out everything I’ve ever learned about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (and Martial Arts in general) and getting my butt over to the Edelweiss Mountain Jiu-Jitsu Combat and Cultural Sensitivity Training Center to begin my apprenticeship 😉
Stephan Kesting