The double underhooks guard pass is one of the low passes you see most in high level competition.
It’s favored by big, strong dudes who love to smash people. Once they get your hips hoisted up and your body bent in half you feel pretty vulnerable. At that point they can pass your guard, take your back, move to the crucifix, or any number of horrible, nasty finishes.
So you’ve GOT to have an effective way to stop the double underhooks guard pass!
The most effective way I’ve ever seen was shown to me by Rob Biernacki. It’s really simple, biomechanically sound, and doesn’t rely on being able to put both your feet behind your own head while benchpressing the equivalent of 400 lbs…
Step 1 is preventing the pass. Rob does this by creating ‘frames’, which essentially means using the bones in your forearms to transfer your opponent’s force into the ground. That way you’re using muscular force and tiring your arms out.
Step 2 is escaping the position. Rob uses the single most powerful movement you can do with your body to create a good angle, and then strips the grips off of his legs relatively effortlessly.
It’s all explained much better in the video below, so check it out…