Talk about synchronicity!
A month ago I told you about a specific guard position I’ve been having a ton of success with – the logsplitter position.
And then, a few weeks later, I taught entries and finishes to this same position at GrappleCamp 2009.
Finally, to top things off, a reader recently emailed me a link to footage of Nicholas Renier hitting a perfect logsplitter submission at the European 2009 ADCC qualifiers…
It’s at about 1:52 of the following video:
Nicolas Renier vs Frank Stäblein (ADCC European trials 2009)
(I don’t know much about Nicholas other than the fact he has now secured a berth ADCC, the big Kahuna of submission grappling championships.)
Anyway, I thought it was cool and so I’m passing it along. Good luck incorporating the logsplitter into your technical arsenal. It’s a legit position!!