You're walking down the street, someone bumps you, words are exchanged, you get pushed to the ground, and now some big gorilla is trying to knock your teeth down your throat. No matter how focused you are on the sportive aspects of grappling you've still GOTTA know how to defend strikes on the ground!!! It doesn't matter if your goal is casual recreation or if you wanna be the next UFC … [Read more...]
The Three Kneebars You Need to Know!
The kneebar is one of my favorite submissions. But I studied it for years before it became a 'go to' move. Some of my major leglocking influences includede Erik Paulson, Oleg Taktarov and Marcus Soares. Each of these teachers contributed important pieces of the puzzle. And each person I trained with also had their own entries to get into the kneebar position. In fact, it's incredible … [Read more...]
How The Kneebar Saved The Day!!
Want a an easy way to learn about the kneebar submission? Well the first comicbook style instructional I did was super-popular, so here's my latest creation... The Three Fundamental Kneebars You Need to Know! Check it out - it's 100% free. You'll learn three of the most important kneebar entries in all of grappling. Master these and you'll find learning every other style of kneebar … [Read more...]