To the uninitiated, leglocking can seem like a confusing black art; a spinning tangle of legs resulting in sudden match-winning submissions. But you can't just stick your head in the sand and ignore them because but leglocks have become HUGE in jiu-jitsu, especially in no gi grappling. To become a complete grappler (and to avoid tapping out 10 times per match to some young punk who just … [Read more...]
50/50 Guard
Knee Mount Escape to Backside 50/50
If you can do the basic backward somersault, then I've got a pretty spectacular and highly effective kneemount escape for you. The Wu Tang escape takes you from the receiving end of eating pressure under a terrible position to one of the strongest positions in leglocking - the backside 50/50. Here's a detailed video about how to add this escape to your game, even if you're NOT … [Read more...]
Not a Fair Fight At All!
The 50/50 is a leglock entanglement and guard position that’s pretty unavoidable in modern jiu-jitsu. With the gi it’s a powerful sweeping and backtaking position, and in no gi matches it leads to a TON of leglock submissions. The 50/50 is a seemingly symmetrical position where, superficially at least, it looks like both people have the same set of options. People mistakenly think of it … [Read more...]
Range and Distance in Guard
There's just something about jiu-jitsu that leads to a proliferation of styles of guard. From Z Guard to X Guard and from Spider Guard to Half Butterfly there are many, many different forms of closed, open and half guard, and new variations pop up all the time. How do you know which type of guard to use when? The Concept of Range in the Guard There's an organising principle that brings order … [Read more...]
World Championship Guard Passing with Leandro Lo
In BJJ it's what you don't know that hurts you. If you get caught in a position that you don't have an answer to, that you don't understand, then life on the mat just got exponentially more difficult. This problem is most pronounced for the guard. It can be really difficult to keep up with the changing technology. One year it's the X Guard, taking the world by storm, then it's the 50/50 guard, … [Read more...]
The Armbar from Fifty-Fifty Guard by Keenan Cornelius
The fifty-fifty guard is a strange creature. In it you and your opponent face each other in the exact same position with your legs intertwined. On the one hand there's no doubt that it's a really powerful sweeping position for whoever's on bottom. But on the other hand it has a reputation as a really horrible way to stall. (Some people just rack up a few sweep points and then use the … [Read more...]